Our New Blanik L-13 Trainer

At noon on March 16, 2024, the driver Sisay arrived in Wenatchee from Seattle with a brown container from Prague, Czech Republic. At the same, two of our own from Aero Head Soaring Club arrived with an empty glider trailer. A representative of the FAA also soon arrived. In less than an hour, a group of volunteers unloaded two gliders by hand from the container, and Sisay left to return the empty container back to Seattle. During unloading, the FAA representative conducted a thorough inspection and immediately issued an airworthiness certificate. Within two and a half hours of the container's arrival, we set off with our new glider to complete the second half of our 800 mile journey. The others slowly assembled the second glider, which remains in Wenatchee.


First Test Flight of the Ogar Motor Glider


Blaník L-13 First Flight