Membership Application

1) Membership:

Any student or rated pilot who is interested in glider flying is eligible to apply for membership in AHSC.

2) Flight Check Rides Required:

An initial glider checkout is required to be completed with a club designated instructor for each glider a member is requesting to fly.

3) Cost:

A. Each MEMBER shall deposit an annual fee established by the membership. See the 2024 List of Charges for membership.

B. The member agrees to pay the club's per hour rate for aircraft as defined in the AHSC Constitution.

C. Club insurance requires students and all other members to maintain membership in the Soaring Society of America (SSA).

4) Member agrees to:
Abide by the most recent AHSC bylaws and operating procedures outlined in the Constitution.

5) Legalities:

A. Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the club against any loss, liability or damage to persons or property more than the amount of insurance coverage while the member is in control of the aircraft. The member waives any claim that said member, his property, or his person may generate because of such losses, liability or damage to persons or property through use of the club plane(s). I understand that participation in gliding and soaring activities, both in the air and on the ground, is or may be hazardous and may result in accident, injury or death, and I hereby voluntarily accept such hazard and result.

B. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.

C. This agreement may not be transferred, assigned, sold, or otherwise negotiated without the written consent of the club Officers.

D. The club reserves the right to change the cost of membership; aircraft hourly cost; or dues because of unforeseen circumstances such as inflation, increased insurance rates, etc. at any time.

E. Any member wishing to terminate his/her obligation under this agreement, may do so by terminating this agreement in writing, paying the balance due on any unpaid amount owed the club and returning keys and any other materials provided by the club.

F. The member agrees that all expenses incurred by the club for collection of any sums under this agreement, including reasonable attorney fees, court costs, sheriff fee, interest, etc., may be added to the sum due there under, to be paid as part thereof.

This document constitutes an agreement between the club and the member. The new member hereby acknowledges cooperating with the CLUB Constitution in its entirety. This acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement as witnessed by the member's signature.